GI Health Resources
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Anal Fissure, Abscess and Fistula
The intestinal tract (or bowel) ends with the rectum. The last part of the rectum is a section about 1 1/2 inches long, known as the anal canal. It ends with the anus — the opening to the outside of the body. There are several common problems, including hemorrhoids, that can occur in the area […]
Read MoreAnti-Dumping Post-Gastrectomy Diet
This diet helps to prevent a condition called “dumping syndrome,” which occurs in some patients who have undergone stomach surgery. The symptoms include bloating, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, weakness, sweating, and rapid heartbeat. They may occur 30 to 60 minutes after eating a meal and then again, 2 to 3 hours after eating. The early symptoms […]
Read MoreAsian Diet
The following is a description of the traditional Asian diet as believed to be related to disease prevention and increased longevity. The dietary principles described here are based on the historical diets of rural Japan, China, and other Asian nations. Today, many fast-food restaurants and western-style eating patterns have become more common in Asia. With […]
Read MoreAutoimmune Hepatitis
The liver is the largest organ in the body. It is found high in the right upper abdomen, behind the ribs. It is a very complex organ and has many functions. They include: Storing energy in the form of sugar (glucose) Storing vitamins, iron, and other minerals Making proteins, including blood clotting factors, to keep […]
Read MoreBarrett’s Esophagus
Heartburn is a burning sensation felt behind the breastbone and sometimes in the neck and throat. It is caused by stomach acid refluxing or splashing up into the esophagus — the muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. At the lower end of the esophagus where it enters the stomach, there is a […]
Read MoreCeliac Disease
Celiac Disease (CD) is a disease of the lining of the small intestine. This part of the bowel lies between the stomach and colon or large bowel. It is about 20 feet long and is where nutrients, calories, vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the blood. The inside lining of the small bowel has tiny, […]
Read MoreCirrhosis
The liver is a large organ that sits in the right upper abdomen, just under the right lung. It is one of the body’s most “intelligent” organs in that it performs so many different functions at the same time. The liver makes proteins, eliminates waste material from the body, produces cholesterol, stores and releases glucose […]
Read MoreClear Liquid Diet
A diet of clear liquids maintains vital body fluids, salts, and minerals; and also gives some energy for patients when normal food intake must be interrupted. Clear liquids are easily absorbed by the body. They reduce stimulation of the digestive system, and leave no residue in the intestinal tract. This is why a clear liquid […]
Read MoreColon Gas & Flatus Prevention
The thriving healthy mix of bacteria within the colon does not happen without the production of some gases. Most of these gases are odorless – hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane. Nitrogen is also present from swallowed air, which then moves down into the colon. So, bacteria produce most of the gases that are passed […]
Read MoreColon Polyps and Cancer
Cancer of the colon is a major health problem in the United States. It ranks as a leading form of cancer, along with lung, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Importantly, colon cancer is also one of the most curable forms of cancer. When detected early, more than 90 percent of patients can be cured. More […]
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