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Vitamins »

The word vitamin is imbued with almost miraculous, mystical qualities. Can there be anything wrong with something if it is…


Minerals »

Do you remember the Periodic Table in your high school chemistry class? It listed all the natural elements and minerals…


Herbs »

The word, herb, can mean almost anything that grows that has medicine or food flavoring value. The use of herbs…


Aspirin, Hormones and Others »

Aspirin is an incredible chemical with many useful benefits in the medical field. It is a true herb, originally coming…


Dietary Supplements »

In the distant past, medicine, religion and the priesthood were intertwined. In most civilizations studied, the priest was the medicine…


Probiotics »

Probiotics are a relatively new field in nutrition and in our specialty of gastroenterology. A probiotic is one or more…


Prebiotics »

A prebiotic is not a probiotic. Most people now know that a probiotic is a bacteria which is put in…


Phone: 717-761-0930

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423 North 21st Street,
Camp Hill, PA 17011

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4387 Sturbridge Drive,
Harrisburg, PA 17110