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March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Join Us In Spreading Awareness!

Updated 02/29/2024

colorectal cancer awareness ribbon

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Join Us In Spreading Awareness!

As an independent gastroenterology practice, our entire team is deeply committed to promoting colon cancer awareness and prevention. March 1st marks the start of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a time when we come together to educate, advocate, and support those affected by this preventable disease.

At Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology and West Shore Endoscopy Center, we believe in taking proactive steps to ensure the health and well-being of the members of our community here in central PA.

How will we be spreading awareness?

Throughout the month of March, our team will be proudly wearing blue to show our support for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. This simple gesture serves as a reminder of the importance of early detection and regular screenings.

In addition to wearing blue, we will also be performing numerous screening and surveillance colonoscopies! Colonoscopies are a crucial tool in the early detection and prevention of colon cancer. By scheduling your colonoscopy, you’re taking a proactive step towards safeguarding your health and reducing your risk of colon cancer.

But our commitment doesn’t stop there.

We’ll also be sharing valuable information about colon cancer and how to support colon and overall GI health this month. Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest information! From helpful tips on maintaining a healthy diet to the latest advancements in colon cancer screening technologies. Our goal is to empower our patients to take charge of their GI health.

We encourage you to follow along to stay updated on our Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month initiatives and to learn more about how our specialists can help support your GI health. By joining our online community, you’ll gain access to valuable resources, informative articles, and opportunities to engage with our team.

Remember, your health is our top priority!

Together, let’s raise awareness, promote early detection, and work towards a future free from colon cancer. Join us this month as we come together to make a difference!

Stay connected, stay informed, and together, let’s support colon and overall gastrointestinal health!

We hope you will provide us with an opportunity to talk with you about scheduling an appointment to discuss how we can best support your health goals. Please call 717-761-0930 to speak with one of our Procedure Scheduling Consultants to schedule your procedure or a pre-procedure office visit.

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